Coping with Pet  Loss

If you have questions or want support, please reach out to me and I would be glad to see how I can help

Resources for Pet End of Life

How is your pet REALLY doing?

These measures can give you a quantitative number to help you better understand the quality of life your pet is living. It may be helpful to have someone else fill it out as well and you compare answers.

Assessment for quality of life for a dog

Cognitive assessment for quality of life for a dog

Assessment for quality of life for a cat

Cognitive assessment for quality of life for a cat

For additional information Dr. Gardner also has two books on geriatric care which may be helpful.

Link to Dr. Gardner’s website

How the Caregiving of Your Pet is Impacting You

While we love our fur babies it is also important to look at the impact the care we are providing impacts us as well. We cannot pour from an empty cup so it is important we remember to take care of ourselves as well. A therapist can be someone who can help with this as well.

Caregiver assessment for dog owners

Caregiver assessment for cat owners

Contact Me - Therapy for Pet People

If you have questions or need support, please reach out to me! This journey can be difficult, but you don’t have to walk it alone.

Adding to this Page…

I am continuously adding to this page as I get new information so bookmark the page and come check back to see new additions. If you have any resources that you have found helpful but are not listed please email me as I would love to add them (

Please forgive any typos or broken links. As an ADHDer it’s a challenge for me to keep up but I am making it a priority as this page is truly a labor of love. Be sure to forward the link to others in your life who may benefit from this information. Bring some food and water as this is a deep deep dive into all things neurodivergent.