Counseling for Grief and Loss

Learn to cope with grief, loss and the various emotions you feel. Dr Henry specializes in grief after death, and counseling after loss of any person or pet.

Grief Is The One Emotion That Can’t Be Pushed Down

  • People think you have it all together. Everyone sees you as the as “the strong one.”

  • You cry in private but are always ready to help others and rarely ask for help.

  • However, when you have experienced the death of a love one, getting back on your feet proves difficult.

  • Despite your efforts to carry on, it feels as if you are walking…through…thick…mud.

  • Every step demands so much energy and effort that it seems like no real forward movement is happening.

Are you sick of trying to keep it all together and ready to have some support for yourself?

Schedule a free 20-minute video consultation with me to see how I can help with grief counseling. Fill out a contact form, and I'll email you to set it up. (no phone call required)

Grieving can look like…..

  • Mindlessly going from one day to the next. Just existing.

  • They go from feeling okay to suddenly getting overwhelmed by emotions. It feels like it comes out of nowhere.

  • Forgetting things, struggling to stay focused, having difficulty completing tasks.

  • Taking care of basic needs like eating, sleeping, and showering becomes challenging. People often have to remind you to eat.

  • Holding onto guilt and regret, ruminating on what they might have done differently, and reflecting on things they wish they had said.

  • Feeling numb and a sense of being disconnected from life and other people.

  • Feeling lost and anxious about the future is intertwined with the fear that nothing seems certain now. Life feels out of control.

  • Multiple physical symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, upset stomach, nausea, hypersensitivity, and low appetite.

  • Some people may experience a sense of relief and peace; it often accompanies feelings of guilt for having those emotions

It is easy to get caught in a cycle of 'what ifs.'

"What if I had done something differently to prevent their death?"

"What if I had spent more time with them before they passed away?"

"What if I had expressed my feelings and thoughts to them more often? What difference would that have made?"

grief and loss counseling.

You are used to being the one who everyone else turns to for support.

It is hard to admit you need help let alone ask for it.

There isn't a different rule book for you.

You don’t have to do this alone.

Therapy can help!

Together, we can navigate a path to move forward.

  • We will explore the impact your loved one had on your life, considering both the positive memories and the challenges in that relationship.

  • We will attempt to make sense of the death so that you can move away from dwelling on the 'what ifs.'

  • You can work on letting go of guilt and regret. It is possible to embrace the present instead of being anchored in the past.

  • We can help you set realistic expectations for yourself. You frequently push yourself beyond limits, yet you often advise others to take a step back and pace themselves. Let’s find a way to set you up for success.

  • Learn how to communicate your emotions to others and ask for help. (This is often one of the harder tasks of therapy.)

  • Re-examine your values to understand where your priorities are and find ways to live by those standards in your daily life.

  • Explore meaningful ways to commemorate and pay tribute to their memory. If you want, we can find ways to ensure that their presence continues to be felt and cherished in your life.

I understand that hearing the advice that your loved one would wish for your happiness and continued life might become annoying. Nonetheless, there is some truth in that sentiment. Sometimes people feel like it’s a betrayal if they experience joy and embrace life again. It can be possible to honor their memory while also embracing life and moving forward.

benefits of counseling.

Start Your Journey to Healing

Investing in yourself might feel difficult, but if someone close to you were going through similar challenges, you'd probably encourage them to prioritize their well-being and seek grief therapy. You deserve that same level of care for yourself.

Contact me to learn how I can help with a free 20 minute consultation (no phone call needed.)

Online grief counseling in Houston, Austin, Dallas, Texas, Indianapolis, Columbus, Ohio and several other cities, states. See therapy locations.

Learn More

Visit our Resources pages to learn more information specific to pet loss as well how being neurodivergent changes how you experience grief & loss.