Misdiagnosed & Overlapping Conditions
Neurodivergence and Mental Health
Discover the connection between neurodivergence, mental health and overlapping conditions. Find resources, insights, and support to thrive with your unique mind.
If you feel overwhelmed - reach out and I can help you break this down.
Neurodivergence and Misdiagnosis
Bipolar v Autism/ADHD
Narcissism, Autism, or Both?
How can you tell the difference?
8 Ways Autism is Different from Covert Narcissism
Autism and Covert Narcissism in Relationships: 8 Real-Life Examples
Why some autistics seem self-absorbed
3 Minute Closet Narcissism Test
23 Signs You're Secretly a Narcissist Masquerading as a Sensitive Introvert
Pathological Narcissism Inventory
Interactive version: Narcissistic Personality Inventory

Neurodivergence in Mental Health
Autism and Trauma
Journal Articles
Different things may feel traumatic to us
Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Impact of Stressful and Traumatic Life
Experience of Trauma and PTSD Symptoms in Autistic Adults
Are PTSD and autistic traits related? An examination among typically developing Israeli adults
The importance of considering trauma in individuals with Autism
Autism, PTSD and Trauma: what's the connection?
Autism & Delayed Trauma Responses (with Kristy Forbes)
Autism Trauma and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) - What's The Overlap?
ADHD and Trauma
Let’s Talk
If you have questions or want support, please reach out to me and we can get started.
Autism and Depression
ADHD and Depression
Autism and Anxiety
Misdiagnosis: Social Anxiety or Autism?
My social anxiety is not disordered
10 coping strategies to use and avoid when you are autistic and have anxiety
Anxiety specific to autism linked to amygdala differences
Journal Articles
Social anxiety in autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review
Brief Report: Social Anxiety in Autism Spectrum Disorder is Based on Deficits in Social Competence
Autism: how anxiety affects everything - Sarah Hendrickx
Autism Vs Social Anxiety (Why Social Anxiety Differs from Autism)
ADHD and Anxiety
When ADHD and Anxiety Occur Together
My undiagnosed ADHD was misdiagnosed as anxiety and depression
When You think it’s Anxiety but it’s Really ADHD
OCD and ADHD Dual Diagnosis Misdiagnosis and the Cognitive ‘Cost’ of Obsessions
Journal Article
Generalized anxiety disorder among adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Early Development of Comorbidity Between Symptoms of ADHD and Anxiety
ND and Addiction Issues
“Overall, an autism diagnosis doubles the risk of addiction, the researchers found. Elevated risk is concentrated among those with an IQ of 100 or above. But across the spectrum, ADHD is a great multiplier of risk: Among those with autism and intellectual disability, having ADHD increases the risk of addiction fourfold; among those with an IQ in the typical range or above, ADHD increases the risk eightfold.”
“Parents and siblings of people with autism also have a higher risk of addiction, suggesting a genetic link.”
Journal Article
Autistics vulnerable to alcohol issues
Increased Risk for Substance Use-Related Problems in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Understanding the substance use of autistic adolescents and adults
Autism and Co-occurring Substance Use Disorder
Understanding Addiction as a Developmental Disorder
I Almost Died From Addiction Before I Was Diagnosed With Autism
Let’s Talk
If you have questions or want support, please reach out to me and we can get started.
Autism and ADHD
Overlapping Physical Health Issues
Adding To This Page…
I am continuously adding to this page as I get new information so come check back to see new additions. If you have any resources that you have found helpful but are not listed please email me as I would love to add them: henry@therapyforpetpeople.com
Please forgive any typos or broken links. As an ADHDer it’s a challenge for me to keep up but I am making it a priority as this page is truly a labor of love. Be sure to forward the link to others in your life who may benefit from this information. Bring some food and water as this is a deep deep dive into all things neurodivergent.
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Questions? Need Support?
If you have questions or need support, please reach out to me! This journey can be difficult, but you don’t have to walk it alone.